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Since Oscar’s story made headlines, I’ve heard from many people telling me about their own special animal experiences.  Oscar is certainly not alone in his ability to provide human comfort during times of illness and I’d like to hear more about other animals who have provided similar compassion during challenging times. Please post your stories below along with your name and city. Your email address will not be shared and will be used only for communication purposes.



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Name: Annie
E-mail: Private
Date posted: May 08, 2010 - 10:44 pm
Message: Thank you for this book. My grandmother died with terminal dementia when she was just in her early 60's- about 12 years ago. Your book was therapeutic to say the least. I found myself crying many times as memories came back, along with the guilt. I have never believed that enough was done for my Grandma during her final years on Earth. I was in college with no driver's license and no way to get to the home in which she was placed. I have always regretted not being able to be there. I only hope that the nursing home that she was in was half as wonderful as Steere House...

Name: Annie
E-mail: Private
Date posted: May 08, 2010 - 10:36 pm
Message: Cats are amazing animals. People always say that they only act for themselves. I don't believe that that is true at all. I joke all of the time that we are my family cats' kittens. One of our cats,"Baby" was my daughter's other mommy while she was growing up. If my daughter cried,especially due to sickness or injury, Baby would be right there rubbing against her. If Baby didn't think my response to my daughter was fast enough she'd let me know it too. She would throw a fit-meowing and howling, circling my daughter and then running back and forth between us if I wasn't right there.

Name: joann balen
Date posted: May 06, 2010 - 04:26 pm
Message: I loved your book, I have been a cat and animal lover all of my life and have lived on a farm where we have had so many experiences that they are too many to number. Animals bring so much comfort. I have taken care of both of my parents with Alz. for the last 17 years and just recently gave up and admitted my Mother into a rest home after my father finally died. What a horrible disease, I have kept a journal and would like to share some of the stories and feelings with you to see if you think I could some day write a book that may help other caregivers who are struggling with the same circumstances. Hopefully I can hear back from you, I know you are busy but I would like to help others any why that I could. Thank you, Joann B

Name: Sue
Date posted: May 06, 2010 - 08:06 am
Message: Oscar saved my mind by preparing me before I saw my mother for the last time. The book played out in front of me. No doctors tell you what will be. I believed she would have good and bad days and slowly forget more and more. No one explained it as a terminal illness. My dad reads his book so he doesn't feel guilty that he didn't do enough. Oscar prepared me to deal with the last part, the part I didn't realize was in front of me, until I read the book. Thank you so so much Oscar and Dr. Dosa and Mary for encouraging all of this.

Name: Linda Tombari
E-mail: Private
Date posted: May 03, 2010 - 11:25 am
Message: I loved your book so much, I just couldn't put it down. I am 61 years old with a bad case of RH. Arthritis. I used to work the 11-7 shift at a nursing home and have and love cats. So I could relate to your in more than one way. I cryed and laugh with all your stories, as if I lived there. Oscar is one special cat. My cats are all different and very special to me, I love them all. I hope Oscar has a good long life. Hope you write another book, thank you for writing this one. My mother-in-law also and die from dementia, it was very hard for my husband and his sisters to see her like that, it's never easy. Thank you again.
Linda Tombari

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